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5 Best Ayurvedic Medicines for Migraine Treatment

Are you tired of the terrible headaches and nausea that often accompany migraines? If so, you're not alone. Migraines affect millions of people worldwide, altering everything they do.

One in ten people experiences severe headaches called migraines, which are brought on by excessive blood vessel stimulation. Anger, tension headaches, indigestion, eating spicy and salty foods, excessive sun exposure, missing meals, and alcohol are common causes of this unbearable headache.

There are several efficient Ayurvedic treatments for migraines. Here are a few ways to help you resolve this problem.

Ayurvedic medicine treats migraines by tackling their root causes, like poor digestion, stress, and sleep problems. By treating these, Ayurvedic therapies aim to prevent migraines.

So, what exactly does Ayurvedic medicine for migraines do? Let's see.

1. Herbal Remedies

Several traditional herbs recommended by Ayurveda can completely relieve your migraine symptoms. You can add other herbs like hareetaki, kumari, mallika, amalaki, sariva, yastimadhu, and bala. These work wonders when mixed and combined in the right proportions.

2. Pathyadi

A Pathyadi decoction is a blend of several herbs in liquid supplement form. It is made by boiling or heating plants to produce a concentrated liquid. Herbs from Ayurveda that are anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving are used in a Pathyadi decoction to treat migraines.

According to this study, Pathyadi is very effective for treating migraines.

3. Nasya Therapy

The term "nasya therapy" describes the process of clearing and purifying the sinuses and nose. To remove excess mucus from the respiratory tract, the herbal oil preparations in this therapy are administered through the nostrils. Nasya therapy helps to clear the head, throat, nose, and ears. .

It is a successful migraine prevention strategy. It also relieves anxiety and other health issues associated with excessive mucus without causing any negative side effects. The nerve endings inside the nostrils are directly impacted by the oils.

4. Triphala Churna

The organic mixture of three flower extracts, or "Triphala," from haritaki, bibhitaki, and amla is known as Triphala churna. It is a miracle remedy that cools the body, clears the lungs, and improves breathing. This effectively reduces migraines by enhancing breathing and clearing the sinuses and nasal passages of debris, allergies, and infections.

5. Yoga

Yoga is a traditional form of physical and mental well-being. It uses a variety of breathing exercises and postures to encourage calm. Yoga relieves tension and anxiety by calming the body and mind. It may also lessen sensitivity to pain, including migraine pain.

Certain yoga poses have the potential to improve blood flow to the brain, in particular, and circulation, and it is considered a really good Ayurvedic medicine for migraine.

Ayurveda is an ancient medicinal system that uses a time-tested approach to health. It considers the mind, body, and soul when treating a condition, such as migraine. While Ayurvedic medicine in Kerala offers really good results, it's essential to approach it as a complementary therapy. With Fair Pharma by your side, the path to migraine relief and wellness is within reach